I've realised over the years that I like convenience, but then again so do most people. If you had to reccommend a pub that had table and chairs to sit on or a pub that made you stand all the time, the latter isn't going to get much word of mouth positivity.
I'll add links to organisations, people, places etc that make life easier for us wheelchair folk.
Westside Taxis
I avoided taxi companies at all costs and if I ever needed a lift I would burden somebody in my family with ferrying me around. They don't like to spend a millisecond longer than they absolutely have to talking to you, barking out the four pieces of key information;
1. Taxi firm name
2. Pickup location
3. Destination
4. When
If you deviate from this script to say you're in a wheelchair for example, but the wheelchair will fold up and go in the boot, can they send a car big enough? They just say yes and never pass this onto the driver. This may seem like a generalisation but in my experience it's a guarantee.eewqe
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